Failing Fast and Slow: What does Tory handling of Corona tell us about Brexit?
(A short but important thread)
If ventilators were invisible concepts like 'Sovereignty' instead of physical countable items, Boris would be now telling us they were 'Done'. They clearly aren't.
He would point to one healthy breathing person as undeniable proof.
If ventilators were things to be delivered over 2 years instead of 2 weeks, Boris would spend 2 years promising they were on the way instead of admitting they weren't. In reality, he promised thousands, and the latest aim is '30 next week'.
So he has to admit his failure fast
If dead bodies were hideable problems like balancing Free Trade and Regulatory Freedom, Boris would tell us they don't exist. He would just 'Get Corona Done', without referring to the human cost.
If failed strategies like herd immunity took a little longer to be proven to be madness (like signing a Withdrawal Bill with no idea what is in it) Boris would have time to distract with another crisis, and blame someone else.
Corona is a fast test of the government. It's quickly objectively measurable. They have failed to prepare, to implement, to communicate, to cooperate, to care, and to take responsibility, so deaths have accelerated at almost the fastest rate in the world.
The Tories are under pressure at press conferences because they have already failed. It is easier to bluff at Brexit - it WILL also fail, but more slowly. The future is easier to deny. Corona is the prequel to the screw-up of Brexit: no prep, no plan, poor implementation.
See how they are managing a critical but very narrow topic like emergency medical equipment.
And think: how will will they do the hugely more complex task of re- aligning the UK in the world, when their objectives already contradict each other.
In terms of implementation, Brexit is a SLOWER car crash. It has all the same failings: an oven-ready plan that doesn't exist, failing promises replaced by slogans, and scrutiny avoided. The failure is just as real; the damage will just take longer to become undeniable.
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