Now let us examine who was the better president
You have HER on one side and yacin on the other
Yacin cared a lot about getting people to join and increasing the numbers and he was able to do it successfully. The amount of people who joined when yacin was president was uncountable.
On the other hand, HER also tried to get people to join but she had a sin function success graph, where she would bring in people but they end up leaving after. In addition, must of the people who came where friends of HER but ended up abandoning her and not coming after
Yacin wins on getting more people to join
Yacin wasn’t very bright with ideas for events and it has been proven that he stole the plan for the IAW from another college. It was quite shameful. Tho, he had people who came up with ideas for events but he was able to persuade them to work hard which is a plus for him
Now let’s cover HER, she was very smart when it came up to making ideas and coming up with them. Her vice had also been helping her with it until the feud that happened between them before the semester started. With the ideas she came up with, she ended up using —
Zero of them and did not know how to make a plan for the event at all which was truly embarrassing.
I will continue this thread tmrw
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