That thing of beauty that is supposed to be a joy forever, is a sink free of dirty dishes.

Except that it doesn't last forever. 🤦‍♀️

Tweet 1/n
Tweet 2/n to clarify that 1/n was casually tweeted while in full realization of the horrid tragedy that has befallen us and in full, comprehensive understanding of the fact that how my dishes are not a priority right now.
Tweet 3/n to clarify that 2/n is a precautionary tweet to render political correctness to 1/n in case some kind fellow takes offense to my working in the government and joking about dishes in the event of a mammoth tragedy.
Tweet 4/n to clarify that tweet 3/n does not apply to you if you're only offended by 1/n because it is a poor,poor joke in which case, high five.
Tweet 5/n: I can't seem to stop myself.
Tweet 6/n to elucidate the moral of the story(thread) which is that one can be working in the government and still spew one's personal brand of hopelessness induced unfunny and want to not be judged or reprimanded or called out for it.
Tweet 7/n to pity at oneself. All this conditioning on being seen as responsible and holding back and projecting a certain serious image and always putting up a straight face has probably led one to be a tad bit too defensive. Shouldn't be like that. Hate it.
Tweet 8/n
For now.
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