1. The Afghan Parliament Budget Commission had always sought to influence th appointments esp at th customs; which led to a wide range of corruption, ppl appointed there aim at serving & satisfying individuals than institution which hurt th overall Eco & Revenue set goals. This..
..will help President to take quick decisions, appoint educated & clean ppl, reduce corruption & increase revenue collection.
2. This decree of dissolving MoF will ensure swift & soft accountability & operation without any political interference.
3. It will break th chain of corruption starts from th MoF HQ & ends at th customs. This years old chain of corruption has served as a major obstacle to both smooth processes, reforms & revenue generation. It will also help in improving th public financial management system.
4. At most occasions Gov ministries lie when it comes to budget spending. Given their perosnal relationship at th MoF thy play with data & deceive th leadership. This reform will hold all leadership acc & wont b able to change facts as P.Ghani himself oversees their performance.
And last, for th Afghan gov these departments serve as a linchpin decreasing Afghanistan donor dependency. Thus, P Ghani knws its importance & thts why he wants to keep it under his watch & closely these departments operations.
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