If life was a soap opera, the script writers would be fired for writing such implausible stories. Someone close to me had a heart attack on Tuesday. The cardiologists reported 'pristine' arteries, and no obvious reason behind the attack 1/n
Then she tested postive for covid-19. She'd been completely asymptomatic, but the cardio team had seen a couple of similar cases, all with covid. 2/n
Turns out, @NatRevCardiol published a paper back in early March linking heart attacks with #COVIDー19 and I was able to access it because the full text is #openaccess in #PubMedCentral 3/n
I've shared it, and some related content, with the cardiologists, and now I'm asking you to share it with others who might need to know 5/n
Morals of the story? Not all #COVIDー19 is associated with a cough, and #OpenAccess really does make a difference. Fin.
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