covid's still going to be around in Nov, as per last retweet, and this is a really great time to get your state to institute vote by mail:
-vote from the comfort of your home
-no Republican/ICE goons to intimidate you away from your polling place
-harder to hack
Like, let me tell you how we vote here in Washington with our vote-by-mail system

or how we DID vote before social distancing
We hung out in someone's living room, with snacks, warm and cozy, and talked about the options on the ballot. We googled candidates and talked about their platforms.

And then, at our leisure, we filled out our ballots and dropped them in the mail.
We don't stand in terrible weather waiting.

We don't have to take time off work to vote.

We don't have people trying to mislead us about where polling places are, or scare us away from attending them.
And yes, I recognize that there are problems with vote-by-mail: abusive household members, forex.

But given the widescale voter suppression going to physical polling places, it seems worth figuring out how to solve those problems rather than dismissing the system.
Especially when we might be experiencing wave 2 of a pandemic around then.
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