reasons why i love hyungwon and will never stop loving him #TogetherWithHyungwon

a never ending thread:
1. this is the weirdest reason ever but hyungwon is hyungwon. idk how to describe but he feels so real? its just him. like there's nothing to hide .. he's showing everyone his true
color he's just so so honest he's very transparent abt everything :-(
2. heeeeyyy do you know he's a crybaby? :D he cried when he watch goblin and pd101. he loves sad songs! his favorite movie is love rosie. yep, that one cold man is (secretly) so emo.
3. he gave us too many wise advice but he told us in the most friendly and loveliest way. he always sounds like an old long lost bestfriend. :(
4. ppl always potrayed him as a 'i don't give a fuck' man, which is very wrong. the fact is, he always knows what's going on and he's very sensitive. and whenever something happened, he always come to mbb with his own way, to reassured everyone that everything is gonna be okay.
5. his vlive always feels like a reunion of two old bestfriend for me. he's a good storyteller and i love it when he can't stop talking. :]
6. he encouraged so many people around him to be confident about their body. in a world when people always trying to mock his body shape, and make him uncomfortable.
7. he's underappreciated and he knows, he notice things. photocard issue, gifts, that one meet and greet t-shirt, honestly way too many. but he still loves us unconditionally, he still think we shine the brightest.
8. wonnie is so funny but he's not that kind of 'steal the spotlight' guy. he somehow only say something when he needs to.
9. he's a very considerate and thoughtful person, he respect every side of a story and every perspective. and i think that's why mbb use his as a punching bag lately 😔
10. hyungwon's body flows just like water when he's dancing, his voice sounds like a lullaby so soft nd soothing .. uh nd he act so so so well ! and the only club i'll enter is where dj  play his bop ✨
11. he loves to walk around while listening to his favorite songs whenever he's sad. it's his healing way and i think that is just too pure. :[
12. he waves in tiny font and when he waves his head goes right and left like a lil kid ♡ hehehehe
13. do you guys know that he said he always wanted a cat or dog as a pet but his skin condition can't take it :[ TOO BAD bcs he's so lovely :(
14. WONNIEEE laughs before he started telling the reason why and it's hard for him to stop it ! he often laughs uncontrollably and its precious ♡
15. when someone talks bad (or joking abt his flaws) he didnt deny it he just nodded, giggled nd covered his face. do you realized it? :(((
16. OH he's shy SHY. he always stand up behind everyone when he meet someone new 😭
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