My theory is that this #WuhanCoronaVirus was not ready and leaked from the lab they were manufacturing it.
Per Dr. Robert Baker, M.D., currently serving as President of the Westchester County Board of Health - and a Mayo Clinic trained Ophthalmologist.
COVID-19 spreads fastest by “super spreaders” that are febrile and coughing and delivering high initial viral loads to the unexposed consistent with CDC views. The spread by asymptomatics is still occurring, but to a lesser extent also consistent with CDC views.
I believe what has happened in Westchester due to Dr. Amler’s prompt and aggressive actions may have led to some level of herd immunity in Westchester. The lower level spread from lower initial exposures to COVID-19 is likely creating conditions that are more easily survived
(often with no or minimal symptoms) and spreading the COVID-19 immunity widely enough to to create herd immunity decreasing the chances of spread to those at risk for severe illness and death.
It is almost like a 1700s style inoculation in which people put tiny crusts from smallpox into wounds intentionally to self immunize, but in the case of Westchester, it is happening by itself thanks to Dr. Amler getting the super spreaders shutdown quickly.
The major cause of death from COVID-19 is cytokine storms. This occurs when white blood cells fighting infection “over-release” too many inflammatory chemicals all at once. The chemicals overwhelm the body causing multi organ failure and death.
In otherwords those who generically susceptible to cytokine storms - approximately 10%-15/% of the US population.
Assuming the middle figure of 12.5% and multiplying would give a 1.4% incidence of the population having TWO of the genes that predispose to cytokine storms. That figure coincides closely with our observed fatality rate in NY.
There are obviously other environmental factors at play, but based on research of cytokine storms expert Randy Cron M.D., Ph.D. at Univ. Of Alabama if we could detect those with the genes OR identify the cytokine storm early, we can reduce the mortality, perhaps dramatically.
While no genetic tests can be developed quickly enough and usefully enough during the current pandemic, the cytokine storm CAN be detected early by checking a test called the FERRITIN level. It is easy, fast and cheap with results available quickly.
If we test for COVID-19 AND ferritin once people show signs of illness, we can use the drugs like chloroquine to much better effect and not risk it on those who don’t need it. Dr. Cron also mentions another safe medication they have used for cytokine storms in his work.
I'm not saying the Dr. Is saying it's manufactured. But isn't it strange how targeted it is?
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