There’s being “woke” to real world problems and spreading awareness and education of them.

And then there’s the virtue signaling crowd who bully anyone with an opinion different from them, twisting everything anyone does into hate/racism/etc b/c they don’t agree.+
I have center leaning political views. I equally hate the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. They’re both in bed with corporations and addicted to their paychecks and power.

But this equal opportunity hatred means I also agree with each party on different issues+
But heaven forbid I voice those opinions b/c suddenly I’m a “MAGA” or a “Communist” depending on which side is insulting me.

The world isn’t black and white. Red and blue. It’s a ton of grays and purples and neither side is innocent in this.+
Same goes for some fandom issues. I’m a very empathetic person, I am able to easily see both sides of an argument, as well as read into character motivations for good and bad chars. So I see every side to the story and while I don’t claim to understand+
Things I’ve never experienced (yes, I’m aware I don’t really know what it means to go through some things b/c I’m a cis white woman), i do try to understand how it makes people feel.

So when someone is being bullied, even if that someone is garbage- it still hurts me.+
At the end of the day, there’s a person behind the twitter account being bullied. And yeah, maybe they’re mean, or outright rude, and deserve to be called on that behavior, but to /bully/ them back is stooping to their level and that’s not ok.+
your mutuals RTing tweets from someone you don’t like? DM them and explain. If it’s really vile, post a cap and request ppl mute/block/report.

Sending your friends to attack them and then bragging about how you forced them from the internet/caused them irl harm? Bullying.+
Try to understand how these hate campaigns can hurt the person behind the account.

And if you’re unable to see that no one deserves to be bullied to that extreme? Then maybe you need to take a good hard look at yourself and why you feel so little empathy for another human.+
Anyway idek what this thread is for I’m tired and I’m burnt out but I needed to say it publicly.

Twitter clout/ woke points are NOT worth someone else’s life/safety/health.
You can follow @jjohns313.
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