Quarantine has me feeling different, for each like I'll answer it on HiruHoshi (Hirugami/Hoshiumi.) Heck I might even do it with 0 likes...
1. Most affectionate: Hirugami because Hoshiumi is the type who demands praise. Also if you read the Kamomedai match, Hirugami spends half of it telling "Kourai-kun" how "amazing he is at volleyball."
2. Most common argument: Hirugami not listening to Hoshiumi's extremely long-winded speeches or Hoshiumi getting worked up over nothing. Hirugami is also tired of the past six years of Hoshiumi planning his dream match against Hinata Shoyo.
3. Who apologizes first? Literally all Hirugami has to do is pick up Hoshiumi and he will say sorry. Hoshiumi.
4. Favorite activity to do together: They like to do serves and complain about random things together (Hoshiumi complains about people not underestimating him, Hirugami complains about his older siblings, notably his sister's boyfriend.) Also cuddling.
5. Who drives and who runs shotgun: Hirugami definitely drives when they don't commute via train. Hoshiumi sits in the passengers seat and yells at all of the bad drivers even though he himself, is not driving.
6. Who is most likely to carry the other?

Hirugami, it is canon.
7. Nicknames?

"Kourai-kun" and "Sachirou." They already have those names for each other, but when they want to piss each other off it's "Little Giant" and "The Immovable"
8. Who proposes?

Hirugami has it all planned the normal way and researches how to do it extensively, but one day Hoshiumi just blurts it out and demands that it happens, and no one can argue with him. Hoshiumi.
9. Who sings along with the radio?

Don't know if you can call it singing, but Hoshiumi likes to screech out the lyrics before the singer can when he recognizes a song on the radio. He feels like by doing so, he is "beating" the "musician" at their game.
10. Who worries the most?

Hirugami worries the most even though he's less likely to show it and tries to stay nonchalant externally. Hoshiumi will immediately complain and rant about his worries, but usually doesn't have many. He is fairly confident.
11. Who always wants to take selfies with the other?

Hirugami definitely tries to take more selfies with Hoshiumi, but Hoshiumi hates how he looks in pictures unless it's from a specific angle (from the bottom.) Hirugami has a whole camera album dedicated to disastrous selfies
12. Who likes to playfully tease the other?

Hirugami, hands down. That's literally all he does.
13. Who has the weirdest taste in music?

Hoshiumi. He listens to really dramatic music to daydream about his fated rematch with Hinata Shoyo. Everyone clowns him for his playlist which is literally titled, "Hinata Shoyo I Win Again Playlist."
14. Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?

Hirugami, he literally can describe everything that annoys Hoshiumi to a T along with explain Hoshiumi's erratic behavior like a nature documentary narrator. He definitely knows.
15. Who is embarrassed to take their clothes off in front of the other? Well, I'm embarrassed thinking of having to answer that question. They were teammates for six years and have probably been in the same locker room so none of them.
16. Who tops?

Apparently Twitter can't figure this out because there's half of Twitter that calls it HiruHoshi and another half that calls it HoshiHiru, personally I like the way HiruHoshi flows more than HoshiHiru. But Hoshiumi is an all-arounder in canon so either is fine
17. Who initiates kisses?

Hoshiumi goes around asking people to underestimate him or compliment his skills so it is most likely him. He probably just stands there, makes a face at Hirugami to communicate, who then obliges him
18. Who reaches for the other's hand first?

They both reach for each other's hands at the same time. Hands mean a lot to them.
19. Who kisses the hardest?

Please these questions are killing me I thought I would get like five likes. Hoshiumi. He always gives everything his all. He might be the shorter of the two, but he is definitely the most intense which is saying a lot
20. Who is the most ticklish?

Hirugami is literally the Immovable. Hoshiumi gets pressed and gets his feelings tickled if someone doesn't look at him the right way. Hoshiumi.
21. Who brings home an animal they found home?

Hirugami Sachirou is literally a vet, he has the knowledge to properly care for animals and loves them so. He probably brings home emergency fosters often, but also Hoshiumi might bring home animals for the same reason. Tie.
22. Who holds the umbrella when it's raining.

Hirugami has the height advantage, the one time Hoshiumi tried to hold the umbrella he almost speared his friend's eye. They have an agreement that even if Hirugami holds the umbrella, it doesn't mean Hoshiumi is incompetent
23. Who tries to playfully embarrass the other in public?

Hirugami is famous for going to Schweiden Adlers games and gets to sit in the family viewing box. He usually gets Hoshiumi over to "sign his fansign" only to pull him into a hug or ruffle his hair. Everyone laughs.
24. Who asks the weird questions in the middle of the night?

Hoshiumi. They will be lying in bed and Hoshiumi will randomly ask, "Do you think Hinata Shoyo has gotten taller the past two weeks?" and Hirugami would just go, "Please let me sleep, Kourai-kun."
25. Who kills the scary bugs?

Hoshiumi. Source: Haikyuu-bu!! where he without hesitation, suggests killing the cockroach in Sakusa's room. Link: https://kuromantic.tumblr.com/post/611420064656261121/haikyuubu-chapter-38-sakusas-problem
26. Who hogs the blankets?

Hoshiumi, even though he needs to use less of them. He also takes up the most space on the bed, and then wonders why Hirugami looks so tired in the morning.
27. Who wakes up first?

Technically Hoshiumi is early to rise so he can go jogging, but Hirugami will often wake up randomly in the night to Hoshiumi kicking him off the bed in his sleep or taking all of the blankets.
28. Who wants to stay in bed longer?

Hirugami, I mean he is the Immovable after all... not to mention he's a vet student, he needs all the sleep he can get.
29. Who always makes coffee in the morning?

Hirugami makes coffee for himself, giving caffeine to Hoshiumi is probably dangerous. Like please he's already like that without caffeine, you'll short circuit the man. When Hoshiumi gets out of bed, it's time to fight.
30. Who cries during certain films or reading certain books?

Hirugami cries every time they watch any movie where the dog dies or when a main character loses passion for something. Hoshiumi tears up at romantic/drama films where anyone waits for a long time. They are a mess.
31. Who gets scared during horror films?

None of them. Hirugami is literally not moved by horror or anything shocking because he already deals with Hoshiumi who is a walking jump scare. Hoshiumi refuses to be afraid and will yell at the TV at the movie, challenging them
32. Who cuts the other's hair first?

Hoshiumi came out with way different hair after the timeskip, while Hirugami's hair stayed pretty much the same with straight bangs. Hirugami would cut Hoshiumi's hair (he also probably does surgery, haircuts are easy)
33. Who says I love you first?

Hirugami fell in love with Hoshiumi first, but Hoshiumi is the one to yell that he loves Hirugami. Sachirou cries when this happens.
34. Who tells their friends/family about the relationship first?

Hoshiumi. He's super proud of his boyfriend and tells his mom about it, and can't wait to show Hirugami to the world. He always talks about how hard it is to get into vet school to anyone who listens.
35. What do their friends/family think about the relationship?

Hoshiumi's family supports it, Hirugami's family takes a while but they ultimately accept it in part because they love when Hoshiumi plays in their family reunion volleyball match (he can play any role well)
36. Who is more likely to ask the other to dance?

Hoshiumi asks Hirugami to dance, but is the one that sucks at dancing the most of the two because he's too exuberant. Hirugami spends most of their dancing making sure Kourai doesn't knock anyone else over like a Beyblade
37. Who wears the other's jacket?

Hirugami can't fit in Hoshiumi's clothes... Hoshiumi gets cold easily and steals Hirugami's jackets constantly.
38. Who uses cheesy pickup lines?

This is a literal cheesy "pickup" line
39. Who whispers inappropriate things into the other's ear during inappropriate times?

...Hirugami... definitely. Hoshiumi doesn't whisper and would just blurt out whatever he wants
40. Who cooks best?

I really want to say Hoshiumi because I'm sure his mom taught him how to cook, but since his favorite food is literally shrimp chips I'm not so sure. Hirugami is a smarter man and can probably read a cookbook so Hirugami. Sorry Kourai.
41. Who makes the other laugh the most?

Literally being with Hoshiumi is probably like a stream of endless comedy, so Hirugami probably has a high concentration of endorphins from all that laughter
42. Who needs more reassurance?

...Hoshiumi. But they both balance each other out in this respect, because Hirugami needs it too. But Hoshiumi seeks it out more while Hirugami gets validation from Hoshiumi without asking-- Kourai just senses something is up
43. Who would have to bail the other out of jail?

Hirugami would have to bail Hoshiumi out of jail... please have you seen Hoshiumi... he was born to fight?
44. What would be their theme song?

"Kourai-kun Bass Boosted Remix 10 Hours"
45. Who would sing their child back to sleep?

Hoshiumi does not sing, he screams.. probably Hirugami because that man is already so perfect I'm sure somehow he can sing too... like come on... perfect grades, student athlete, vet school, 6'3, Hoshiumi, I want what he has
46. What do they do when they're away from each other?

Hirugami saves the animals and Hoshiumi saves Japanese volleyball
47. A headcanon about them that stabs you in the feels?

I've read headcanons where Hirugami gets a girlfriend and still loves Hoshiumi, Hoshiumi loves someone else, one-sided pining and it is just too painful... just let them be together please...
48. A headcanon that mends the previous one?

...they're together and live a happy life with lots of dogs...
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