Hey folks!

The #couchpeloton cooking challenge returns for our Very Special Roubaix arranged by @CyclingCentral on Sunday 5 April with a new #cobblesnacks baking theme: biscuits.

Baked or store bought, it's all good.

Let's make a tribute to the pave that makes this race great.
Offical hashtag for the challenge is #cobblesnacks. Please post photos of your biscuits to the #couchpeloton & #cobblesnacks hashtags while the race is in progress on Sunday.
I'll retweet & show off everyone's entries to you all. I'm planning to close entries at 12.00 AEDT.
Lacking supplies or ideas? Not sure how to stretch your pantry? Is your kitchen currently being renovated? Are you juggling homeschooling and a baby? Do you Not Cook? Here are some biscuit suggestions to get the ideas flowing:
1. I love home baked biscuits and fancy cutter shapes, but I know that flour is a bit of a myth at present. There's no shame in showing off some you bought earlier.

2. If anyone sends me pictures of biscuits decorated by Small Humans I will get very excited.
3. Biscuits are rather like the humble haybale of #fieldart – get creative with the designs you can build from them.

4. I do love a cheese platter, and crackers definitely come under the 'biscuit' header.
5. I accept entries using the American definition of 'biscuit', since it is also cobble-like.

6. Get patriotic or get French in the theme of your biscuits.

7. Cute colourful displays make even a simple offering look fancier.
8. If all else fails, blatant lies telling me something is a biscuit are always appreciated.

9. Look, you know I'm a softie. Tell me a hot cross bun is a form of biscuit and believe me I'll wink with you.
Have fun, get thinking and get baking, #couchpeloton. I'm looking forward to seeing what biscuits everyone has to offer for #cobblesnacks.
You can follow @zahribeth.
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