I’ve been somewhat quiet on social media recently. TBH, I haven’t really known what to add to everything already being posted. Also, my daytime world is all COVID all the time. I’ve said it before but worth repeating, there are so many people working so hard to keep you safe. 1/n
Consider everyone working in logistics and the countless supply chains to ensure there are enough supplies not only for healthcare but also for you to be able to stay safely at home. But also consider all those valiantly working to support those without a home. 2/n
There are too many tonight in shelters and also too many who are too worried to seek a bed in a shelter for fear of being near others right now. I can’t imagine how isolating that must be. I have nothing but huge respect for those looking for every option to keep them safe. 3/n
My thoughts are also with those who have suddenly found themselves without work or have been unable to work because they need to be with their children. There’s a certain privilege for those of us who continue to work and we must see that there are too many who can’t. 4/n
This time has definitely created a lot of room for reflection for all of us. How we use that will define us. Looking beyond our own status through adversity and, not only having empathy, but taking concrete steps to check in on each other‘s well being is doing important now. 5/n
If ever there was anything to highlight the importance of a compassionate and strong society, this is most certainly one of those times. We may be physically distanced but we don’t get through this alone. 6/n
Which brings me back to the beginning...I'm so inspired by countless examples of people doing incredible things to make sure we, as a society, are supported. Outreach workers, health care & responders, people working in transportation, grocery, social and public works 7/n
I'll avoid the hyperbole of saying this is unprecidented. It isn't. The world has seen much adversity, this is just one of many challenges we've faced. It's a big one, but like the others, we make it through this together. Just keep following the advice. I'm proud of you, London.
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