Oooh today is supermarket day. My first time through the front gate in a week. Ready.
This wasn't outside my gate a week ago. Unfortunately the supermarket is in the other direction.
Orderly Carpark queue. Single ppl shopping. Well spaces. Nothing like I remember a week ago.
Sound track by @BaseFM. Shout out to Riddum culture.

Yeah who in Chch listens to BaseFm? Dis Guy!!!!
So I'm in an orderly queue to eternity. If St Peter is at the top I lost Pascal's Wager.

Very Pythonesque.
I'm in!

Omg. There's a person behind me who doesn't stop behind, but pulls out slightly so the trolley alongside.

My shoulders are clenching. I may have to break out the glare.
One person is using trolley like a weapon. Respect!
Apparently the probability of someone going counterflow in an aisle is over .9.

Why are the aisles not one way??? It is impossible to pass without breaking bubble.

Wtf is wrong with people?
Who knew that the stress reduction of 7 days of solitude would evaporate so quickly. I need a sword cane.
Waiting patiently...
I have been waiting 3 days to buy this beer.
I look at how the supermarket flows, and I think of all the event managers etc sitting at home.

A little bit of design work, and some coloured tape, and bingo.
A design that not only eliminated forced proximity, but that also made accidental proximity rough would not be hard.
Home now. Stress levels will be elevated for some time. I have already developed a significant aversion tothe presence of strangers.
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