Warning, thread contains graphic language.

So due to shelter in place, trying to manage sanity in my house, and for my own mental health I’ve been distancing myself a bit from the news these last few days.
That being said, this afternoon I got to catch up on Maddow and I have a couple of things that I need to say based on her reporting and the experts she had on the program.
To Mattis, Kelly, Bolton, McMaster, Tillerson and the countless other individuals who postured themselves as “the adults in the room” and “the responsible ones” I’d like to say “fuuuuuuuuuck you.”
Every single one of you shares in the blame for the crisis that our country is confronted with at this very moment. You have shat upon the entirety of your careers and whatever semblance of “legacy” you may once have had by allowing Trump to run rampant these last 3.5 years.
You put your own interests, sense of self preservation, and the quaint notion of a book tour or a talking head position on a propaganda vomiting network above the well being of this country. Each of you fucks have blood on your hands whether you like it or not.
You let a narcissistic, conman, grifting, misogynistic pig, an infantile sociopath, who’s spent the last 3.5 years wiping his ass with the constitution of this country, breaking through all manner of norms, ethics, standards, and debasing his office to enrich himself.
Not a single one of you had even a scintilla of moral fiber to put yourself in front of a camera, speak directly to the public, and sound the fucking alarms about what an absolute catastrophe of a human being Trump is.
All of you should have been screaming into any camera you could put yourself in front of. You should have stormed the floor of the senate, gone on every primetime news broadcast, and sounded the damned alarms. But you couldn’t be bothered.
This tantrum throwing asshole has spent 3.5 years destroying the notion of “facts and truth” in our society that you’ve now got entire swaths of this country ignoring the advice of seasoned medical professionals with decades of experience to “own the libs”.
We are staring at a potential loss of 100,000-200,000 lives in this country because this administration is so fucking morally bankrupt and incompetent that they can’t even be bothered to tell the army where to deliver ventilators.
They can’t be bothered to mandate that every single company with any manufacturing capacity at all should be on overdrive producing PPE and ventilators because they’re too busy giving tax cuts to the ultra rich, lying to the public, and playing fucking golf.
You’ve got 50 states plus FEMA all bidding over the same life saving equipment. You’ve got governors and mayors across the country blowing this whole thing off as a hoax because they don’t want the toddler in chief to tweet threats at them.
Rather than bringing Trump to heel while you were in a position to rein him in, you let him run rampant. Unchecked, unleashed, the man has done harm to our country on a scale we won’t understand for generations to come and that fact rests in some part on you.
The entire GOP congressional body of course has its share of the blame as well. But where I sit today is simply in a state of disgust at your utter ineptitude and craven self preservation instincts.
Fuck every single one of you for the tidal wave of illness and loss of life that we are now faced with. I sincerely hope that the rest of your nights on this planet are spent tossing and turning over the decisions should have made and how your cowardice enable this. /end
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