Okay, here my Star Wars thread. It started with this comment from a LF employee after he posted an article on people too clingy to canon to enjoy stories.
His response was to someone who commented about the copious reasons TROS sucked.
So, you can imagine what happened from there... 3/
I responded like this... 4/
And then this happened... 5/
And... 6/
Matt did not reply to all that, but I'm okay with that. There's not a lot that he could say to all that anyway. He's just the messenger & he didn't work directly on TROS. 13/
Bless his heart, he is trying to help disappointed fans, but of course it's not going well. 14/
Here's what I think a lot of DLF & people asking "what's the big deal?" don't get... 15/
I find that a lot of people in the industry just don't get as emotionally connected, especially under age 35. Back in 1977, we had 3 TV channels & movies. We had less things to get into other than shows on those 3 channels/theaters. So SW really grabbed hold of me. 16/
I'm an OT superfan. I grew up on the Skywalkers. They were like my family. I would play for hours in my room with my Star Wars toys, making up my own plots, dialogues, sparking my imagination, which I still carry with me. 17/
I'm an OT stan & I didn't have some need to see Luke & Leia on Tatooine as Force Ghosts. Their reunion for me was in TLJ. 18/
And the TLJ reunion held much more gravitas & meaning than the Tatooine WTF in TROS. 19/
I also remember that none of the Skywalkers had any affection for Tatooine. Plus why would I want to end the saga where it started? Where it started sucked ass! 20/
I think the issue is that the makers are in denial about the ending not being happy. They truly feel that ending was happy. 21/
Even people who didn't give a shit about Ben dying & overall enjoyed the movie did not like the Tatooine thing. Why? Because anyone with even a cursory knowledge of the SW timeline know that Tatooine was a big no for every Skywalker. 22/
I have only seen/heard a smattering of people who loved that. And those people tend to be the "pew pew pew" & "whoosh" lightsaber people. Who care nothing of character advancement or nuance. 23/
Don't get me wrong. I love me some action with "pew pews" & "whooshes" but if that's all I wanted with 2D characters, I'd watch Steven Seigal movies. 24/
I hate the "get over it" drivel when it comes to TROS & the death of Ben Solo. No, I can't change my emotions about it. Emotions are not a choice. 25/
That's why I also talked about how I don't need canon. Of course, that's in terms of books, TV, stuff like that. But if you trample all over the 8 movies beforehand, people are gonna be pissed. Also, canon has nothing to do with why I hated TROS. 26/
I also can't watch TROS as a stand alone & ignore anything before that. Unlike JJerio who ignored almost everything. That's why people are pissed. I mean, even Anakin got a fucking force ghost. 27/
And Anakin killed more innocent people than Ben. I feel like Ben never completely turned to the dark side either. 28/
There is a general tone & theme that we EXPECT in the SW saga, at least as far as Skywalkers are concerned. Even Rogue One & Solo held true to it. 29/
TLJ actually managed to nod to the past while moving forward & also stayed within that mythology. 30/
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