miss aries moon...we get it. youre heartbroken and mad that your love life isnt going the way you want. youre telling people your love life is going well, creating this illusion, all while whining to spirit that you want things to speed up and you want answers. bitch, come on+
now! youre not going to see progress with the way youre acting. you talk too damn much, shut your mouth and focus on you. you dont need to let other people know whats going on and that youre “doing well” and you got it. it would be helpful is you shut up and keep to yourself+
for a few weeks. you need to pause and rethink how you chose to walk through life. if you want this love that youve been waiting for, you’ll stop lying to others about it and blabbing off while whining to spirit at night when you cant sleep. spirit has sent a test your way as+
well, someone coming back from your past. guess what choice your dumbass is gonna make? youre gonna chose to reignite and old flame to feul your bad habits like a clown. miss girl, dont do this clow shit anymore! if you want this love that youre crying about and wishing for,+
youll stop doing things on impulse and for the thrill, damn adrenaline junkie...create the life you want by making better choices. dont fall in the same traps, boasting to other people, and then crying about it at night. CLOWNERY!
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