things stays need to realize

a thread from a very pissed stay
1. nobody cares if you’re ot8 or ot9: you can be either . thats perfectly fine, just don’t cause problems between both .
@ ot8 stans: dont bitch on w00j, leave him alone
@ ot9 stans: stan sk/z and w00j separately, dont say n*ne or n*ne anymore, they’re no longer 9.
2. if you see transphobia/racism/homophobia/etc: call it out!! dont let it slide dont reduce it to drama!!!!
dm them first and explain to them how this is problematic, ask them to apologize, if theres any resistance or bitching you have all the rights to go off with a thread
if you cant make a thread yourself, ask somebody (including myself!! i’m always willing to help!!) so if you ever know somebody is problematic, collect as many receipts as u can. confront them, and decide what to do from there, lets make this a safe space<3
3. dont be insensitive to others PLEASE dont. if someone’s going thru a rough time ffs dont just drop a fancam. yall stupid
4. block and report all antis . dont interact . especially if its with a / r m i e s, interacting only fucks up the searches further so please dont interact + dont interact bc 90% of the time they WANT attention and are trolling. they come for stays bc stays get pissed easily and
playing into their hands only fuels them further!!
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