It seems the VP revealed today that they so incapacitated the CDC, it could not function when it was time to deliver tests, and the money taken from it was given to corporations (bleeding the CDC dry has been this president’s legacy—and still is in the budget for 2021).
Translation of the president: “We inherited good tests, these are wonderful tests, and it was working, all working! And we broke it.”
Apologies for not explaining more of the press conferences.... They are like watching the president line up and shoot random citizens by the hundreds, each minute that he speaks, and not being able to do anything about it. No hyperbole here, which is the horrifying part.
Each time, I am confronted with the choice of stating things as they are, which is what medical neutrality requires, and stating what “sounds” responsible and professional and what people are ready to hear. I guess that is why most people, including the press, choose the latter.
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