Today was awful. Worst anxiety and depression I’ve had in years. Several panic attacks. My mental health has been so much better recently, but it just goes to show how fragile these things are.
My wise friend Fi suggested that we fall back into familiar patterns at times of uncertainty, even if those patterns are negative. Interesting theory, isn’t it? Anyway. Tomorrow is a new day, and hopefully a better one. Don’t be surprised if I’m not around here too much though.
I will say this: my online and real life friends are flippin’ ace (always comforted by the thought that I can’t be quite as shit as my brain is telling me, otherwise why would you put up with me?) Thanks, all. Your terrible, weak jokes make me laugh every day. NOW GO TO SLEEP X
Going to delete this thread in a mo because it’s v heartonsleeve which I dislike in myself, but I will just add that while I was BARING MY SOUL to @bakemonkey last night she kept playing with filters and looking like a giant lizard/pizza. That’s a 35 year friendship for you 🙄
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