Why Bokuto Koutarou is absolutely NOT dumb: a thread I wrote while I was mad
For what Bokuto lacks in academics, he makes up for with emotional intelligence. In my honest opinion, Bokuto could very well be the most compassionate character in Haikyuu. His levels of empathy and understanding of emotions is extraordinary, much more then we see in the other
characters. Going back to what I said earlier, the way he understands emotion is just amazing, which is evident in his relationship with Akaashi. Akaashi has always been described as “emotionless” or “blunt” but for some reason, Bokuto can always read him without a problem.
In the Mujinazaka match and Akaashi wasn’t feeling good, Bokuto didn’t hesitate suggesting he should sit out for a bit because he KNOWS when Akaashi gets overloaded and/or overwhelmed it’s best if he has some time alone to collect his thoughts. Sure other people might have
noticed Akaashi was acting a little off, but Bokuto was the only one to pinpoint what was wrong and suggest a solution. *cough sowlmate energy cough* With Tsuki too, the way he knew exactly what to say to Tsuki in order to get him motivated for volleyball again. This was also
found in relationship with Hinata as well. With Bokuto’s words, Hinata was able to grow and develop. Even with his own teammates and opponents, Bokuto knows exactly what to say in order to get everyone on the court fired up, which is difficult for even the most experienced
captains. Bokuto is also incredibly self aware and while he’s not traditionally smart, or book smart, it could also be due to the way he’s taught in school. Japanese teaching methods can be harsh, and it could just be not the way Bokuto learns best. This by no means Bokuto is
“dumb”. School in general is really hard for some people who just don’t learn traditionally. It focuses so much on results and ONE way of learning that if you don't understand the way they teach you, you're done. If you miss a lesson, you’re left behind.
Bokuto Koutarou is in no way, shape or form “dumb” and I’ll fight anyone who says otherwise, thanks for coming to my TedTalk.
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