I don’t know if anyone has brought it up, but one of my huge worries, is NYC warmer weather/summer.

As soon as it gets warm, EVERYONE comes out. Acting a fool. So. Keeping everyone in? In heat? All these appliances?
That’s a blackout. Where everyone usually goes outside.
Where we are not supposed to go outside?!?

This city is going to explode.
I’ve been through blackouts here.

And there’s no way this city is gonna hold it.

Aaanyway. Just wanna bring up some things about the future, cause this isn’t ending soon.
We live in Bed-Stuy.
It’s going the fuck down.
Saying all this to be clear that I am all for people staying the fuck inside. Those of us who can.
With more than it being loosely suggested. Or this just goes on incredibly long. In more waves than it has to.
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