563 people died in last 24hr reporting period as of 4pm on March 31 (there will be more than that as the figures don't track all deaths, "deaths in the community" only published weekly accounting so far for c. 20% extra)
It has been reported that the average time from infection to death is 23 days ... so when the 593 people who died were infected this was the Government advice
On March 13 Cheltenham went ahead (a similar accelerating event went ahead in Italy that accounted for rapid spreading)
Due to exponential growth of infection and no lockdown at this point infections would be spreading rapidly
Boris address to the Nation was March 23rd. That's when our lockdown began effectively.

That's why predictions are suggesting our peak will be mid April.
Health professionals and social care workers are dying because of lack of PPE
The Ventilator story is a disgrace... corruption, incompetence and lying all rolled into one

We need 30,000 ventilators... don't worry 30 yes 30 are coming this weekend with a couple of hundred more on the way
We do not have an adequate testing regime as much as the government likes to pretend whenever scrutiny is given it is all shown to be lies. Remember WHO says "test, test, test"
Even the Government's print media cheerleaders are catching on
And this is the current situation... worse than Italy at the same point
Some of the Government's obvious mishandling of the response to COVID-19 is cutting through
Tweet 2/n should read *563 deaths*
On the lack of PPE, today it has been reported that at Great Ormond Street Hospital 73 out 171 tested came back positive for COVID-19, 318 staff members are off sick!
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