China (or the US) were behind this virus which was created in a bio-weapon lab.

Truth: An article in Nature (below) strongly suggested that the virus emerged as natural selection and is NOT a man/lab made virus.
Myth: US companies are holding patents for coronovirus for years. Plan was to first start this outbreak and then sell the vaccine.

Truth: Those patents are for developing the SARS vaccine (remember, SARS was also a Coronavirus spread in 2003). We still don’t have that vaccine.
Myth: BCG vaccine prevents COVID. Countries with BCG vaccine didn’t get pummeled with infections.

Truth: Corrrelation is not cauasation. China used BCG vaccines. Many of the older people dying in Europe received BCG. Time will tell if their is merit to this correlation.
Myth: I don’t believe/trust anything by @who or @CDCgov

Truth: That’s exactly what the virus wants. Once we start doubting trusted sources, it’s game over.

The ID community uses @who and @cdc They have a tough job. When data changes, they change recommendations accordingly.
Myth: Populations should be taking hydroxychloroquine pills to prevent COVID.

Truth: There is no evidence that the risk of this strategy (heart arrhythmia, allergies, bone marrow suppression etc) outweighs its benefits.

We took an oath to “first do no harm.”
Myth: Street washing with foaming detergents is integral to COVID prevention.

Truth: Don’t think it’s integral. At the end of an outbreak sometimes cities do such massive cleaning to reduce chances of a second wave and improve public trust. I couldn’t find convincing data
Myth: Ginger in tea, olive oil in nose, nasal irrigation with hypertonic saline... prevents COVID.

Truth: None of these interventions have been tested against this virus.

We can do what we like. But the virus is likely going to respond to proven facts, not personal feelings.
Myth: You must disinfect vegetables before cooking them.

Truth: COOK them. Cooking is the best disinfectant:).

If not cooking, just wash them before eating.

Please don’t make your life unnecessarily difficult. It’s your choice in the end.
Myth: Cancel your newspaper home delivery. You can catch COVID from contaminated paper.

Truth: Just wash your hands and make sure the paper is giving you accurate balanced news.

Cancel it if it’s sensationalizing the facts; not because of a perceived COVID risk.
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