Another question about penis size. Honestly this would be an excellent question for someone trying to explore sexuality. It would definitely be better to ask actual women. And then every assertion this incel makes is dead wrong. But let’s look at the replies (thread incoming)
Response 1 & 2

Announcement: The definition of “micropenis” has been amended
Response 3

This one needs to be bigger for... his own hand??? 🤔🤨
Response 4 & 5

I really don’t see how announcing your size is relevant to the questions asked.

“Surgerymaxx, gymmaxx, cope, foid, dicklet”

Their overwhelming desire to speak nonsense directly contributes to their lack of partnership #incelglossary
Respond 6

And here we have another expert explaining how dick size applies to “chads” and “normies”. It’s science. 🙄
Response 7

I guess since one guy announced his size it’s time to compare.

“Mog” basically means to be completely outdone by another man and made invisible in the eyes of a woman

Which I guess this one incel did to the other incel by just having a bigger dick? #incelglossary
Response 8 & 9

Incels believe that height is the primary factor in getting a woman; now dick size is just as important.

And another expert on how dick size applies to “normies”

One normal answer that makes sense! 👏👏👏👏👏👏
Response 11

Oh good. Let’s talk about girth some more. Seriously, lack of conversation skill is the center of their predicament.
Response 12

Let’s talk about how small we are 🤨🤔🤭😔🤦🤷‍♂️
Response 13

The incel obsession with being taller has officially gone from “strange” to “ludicrous”
Response 14

I don’t even have a caption for this one. It’s just too weird.
Response 15

Another one who would remove part of their penis for height. Lord have mercy, just wear platforms or something.
Response 16

‘maxx’ is a term they use to mean focusing on a single trait and improving it as much as possible like upgrading a stat in a video game.

So here this guy suggests “Jay Z maxx” like... become a famous musician to overcome an ugly face?

Response 17

I’m just kinda tired of seeing the word girth
Response 18

This dude is quite the philosopher. A regular Albert Einsteincel.
Response 19 of 19

I wonder where incels get all of these dumbass arbitrary rules. Because they definitely don’t get them from the women who they are supposedly interested in.
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