Dear #Sussexsquad
I humbly would like to thank you all for the support of our beloved. I was telling someone in private of how had it not been for this squad, Meghan would’ve been murdered at no end with no accountability, pushback, receipts by the FAMILY & it’s media
Thank for standing in the gap with your generosity, with kindness, with your funding, with your campaigns for fairness. We’ve been their mouthpieces, defenders, promoters, fans, good and well wishers, subscribers and liked every post on their platforms 👇🏾
Then King Archie happened. We all fell in love with baby and has brought us all great joy. Archie has lawyer representation, many aunties, God parents, grandmothers and uncles. Although we all Know who is his Real uncle. Kindness goes a long way👇🏾
So as we fought on; podcasts became our sounding boards. A mighty thank you to Tina and Michelle. I don’t swear in my real life and used to be uncomfortable UNTIL These two Sailors came along🤓. They cursely deliver for me awesomely and I’m forever grateful 🙏🏽👇🏾
Make them feel good about their racist denialism. So they couldn’t imagine the commitment we all have. They’ve labeled us bots and lately cult. So we continued to speak with our resources: we threw a worldwide baby shower and they thought it was a fuss 👇🏾
We woke up on odd hours to watch them in the Pacific tour. Then we bought every affordable outfit Meghan wore and the we praised her eloquence cos we had one to compare with. We became proud to be identified as their own. They dismissed, we pushed back 👇🏾
After a very successful tour and record breaking book sales of the cookbook, the racist family started feeding the press, and then the sperm releaser and its brood started spewing. We were armed with love, kindness and daily fighting of them all and we prevailed👇🏾
Cheers to us🥰
We have held together this group even with numerous lemons that we have weeded out ever now and then. We fight hard cos we loved hard. Most of us relate to what especially Meghan’s emotional abuse is for we endure the same daily and have to explain ourselves to👇🏾
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