Fuck the psychiatrist who wrote this, and fuck @WSJ for publishing this, thanks.

(1) Not everyone with OCD has contamination OCD. This fuels stigma & misunderstandings.
(2) OCD is debilitating. It's NOT an asset / "need."
(3) Folks with OCD right now are SUFFERING.
How selfish of a clinician do you have to be to take your patient's suffering and see it as a publishing opportunity — and you then choose to write in such a way that negatively impacts an *entire community* that you're supposed to be serving?
Many of us with OCD are struggling immensely. I've already heard of folks with OCD now attempting suicide because of the acute stress this pandemic has caused.

Why are we being glib about a condition that has led to so much pain and disability for folks? Especially NOW?
Are we also going to claim that people with depression are at an advantage because they're more likely to be bed-bound right now / "socially distant"?

Are we going to say that folks with eating disorders are at an advantage because they're not going to restaurants?

How about social anxiety? These folks are less likely to be at large gatherings, right? How about agoraphobia and folks who are housebound because of their mental health conditions?

Why is a fucking *psychiatrist* trying to do a PR pitch on the benefits of mental illness?
This is why I don't trust clinicians to write about our lived experience. This is wildly irresponsible, particularly because most folks will only read the headline... and this false equivalence obscures what OCD actually is, in the most flippant way.
I'm absolutely sure that this client didn't consent to their disclosure being used this way, either. What a horrific violation.

I can't with this.
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