weight loss/weight gain should not be seen as inherently positive/negative: they just Are. just as ur body Is: your body is yours and thats why it is good not because of what it looks like. and u and ur body are allowed to exist without scrutiny
if you change eating habits, if you change certain lifestyle habits and lose/gain weight that is okay. if your body in general changes due to other factors, thats okay.
bodies change and thats just okay! thats how it goes!! life is that way! your body changes and theres nothing wrong with that. appreciating your body as it is is wonderful but also we need to appreciate it in the ways it changes too.
its okay if your body does not look like it did a year ago. or two years ago. or five or ten. its okay! you are a person and your body is meant to exist!!! its not meant to look anyway other than the way it looks in this moment and in the next moments and beyond that
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