THREAD: I’m 24, healthy, employed and have health insurance. I’m a U.S. citizen, speak English and am college educated. I live alone in Chicago. I started showing COVID-19 symptoms a couple of days ago and secured a telehealth visit with my primary care doctor yesterday.
During my visit, my Dr was concerned with my chest pain due to prior complications I’ve had when sick. I could not breathe. She suggested I rush to the clinic for an EKG and chest x-ray to rule out pericarditis, inflammation of the tissue around my heart. Again, I am 24.
I was terrified. Luckily, I have family nearby who picked me up to get assessed. I had to jump through several hoops to even make it inside the clinic. My SIL, who is a nurse, urged us to avoid the ER at all costs.
I got the EKG and X-ray done and both came back normal. I was alone the whole time.
Dr told me I likely have COVID-19 but to not count on being tested since I am young and otherwise have mild symptoms. I was sent home to rest and quarantine for two weeks. I could not breathe.
Today, I got a call from my Dr's office and asked another series of questions regarding my symptoms. I was told I was ineligible for testing to confirm my COVID-19 case and to go to the ER if I feel worse.
I can’t imagine the amount of positive cases of COVID-19 out there right now that can’t even be diagnosed. What if you don’t have insurance, money, language skills? I am considered mild and unconfirmed yet it feels like my entire body has been put through a blender.
I’m lucky to have an incredible family, friends and countless resources to get food and supplies. I’m lucky to live alone and quarantine. I am incredibly fortunate.
It shouldn’t be this hard. Not for me, and not for anyone. My heart is heavy with disappointment and my thoughts go out to others who are experiencing much, much worse.
You can follow @JessicaVillag.
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