I have lost all hope. https://twitter.com/shubh19822/status/1245402387675668480
+ At 00:24 seconds, someone actually pick up what looks like a metallic pole or a rod and are about to throw it in the direction of the healthcare workers. This is not merely a mob that wanted to shoe away the workers, this could have actually turned fatal.
+ Among those healthcare workers who were beaten in this incident were two lady doctors. The team actually went back with police cover to take samples!

I don't know if this is bravery, compulsion, dedication or stupidity. https://twitter.com/PadmajaJoshi/status/1245578243580637187?s=19
+ Bengaluru https://twitter.com/anusharavi10/status/1245583535777263622?s=19
+ Meerut https://twitter.com/IshitaBhatiaTOI/status/1245025882030264320?s=19
+ Telangana https://twitter.com/ANI/status/1245396327023947777?s=19
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