The coronavirus is characterized by obstructing respiratory pathways with thick mucus that solidifies & blocks the airways & lungs. The key to preventing/treating the virus is opening & unblocking these airways.

Now, when we mention Dr. Sebi & his theory on eliminating mucus....
... Medically-Misinformed Twitter has called it false. I even saw someone say this virus has nothing to do with mucus. I’ve seen ppl trashing Dr. Sebi’s theory on how mucus is the cause of dis-ease in the body.

And lo & behold... doctors have announced that MUCUS is the culprit
The way my family is eliminating mucus is by:

1. Drinking my Alkaline Root Tea 3x a day. When we rise, midday & before we set-tle

2. Drinking warm water w/ key lime throughout the day

3. Consuming fresh raw fruits & veggies, in the rising & in the evening close to bedtime
4. Midday (between 12p-6p) we eat (home) cooked foods using fresh fruits & veggies

5. Running down the block to decongest & pass mucus

6. Room & Body steams using tea tree, eucalyptus, rosemary, peppermint, orange & lemon essential oils to clear mucus & open up the airways
7. Taking Collodial Silver, everyday!

8. Taking Shilajit everyday!

9. Squeezing fresh orange juice daily.

10. Affirmations, Prayers, Spiritual Baths & Cleanses: Yes we are binding and rebuking any and all sickness in disease over here ok. Move that shit away from here.
By the way: my Alkaline Root Tea consists of Ginger Root, Sarsaparilla Root, Dandelion Root, Burdock Root & Elderberries. I’ve been adding Slippery Elm Bark to that mix & have also been working with Milk Thistle.
Oh yes & I make my own body vapor rub using the essential oils previously mentioned that works wonders!

And I have a Respiratory Restoration tincture in creation that I’m super excited about

For now, I hope that some of my family’s practices can help some of you & your families
Foods that are in heavy rotation in my home right now:

- apples
- cantaloupe
- bananas
- oranges
- bell peppers
- purple onions
- portobellos
- yellow squash
- zucchini
- romaine lettuce
- red leaf lettuce
- quinoa
- homemade sprouted walnut butter & sprouted almond butter
For breakfast I literally just cut up hella fruit & serve it with sprouted nut butter & OJ

We got salads going crazy rn & my homemade dressings? *chefs kiss* I’ll drop a simple recipe

Our cooked meals include stir-fries & stews over quinoa + veggie soups + sweet quinoa porridge
My salads include romaine & red leaf lettuce, spinach, cherry tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers, avocado.

EZ dressing = olive oil, key lime juice, basil, oregano, sea salt, black pepper, garlic, a dallop of sprouted nut butter blended... + water added to desired consistency
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