I used the neural net GPT-2 to generate some April Fools pranks.

conveniently they're all pranks you play on yourself. or possibly solo performance art.
I tried this with a different neural net a while ago and arrived at similarly inscrutable pranks.

At least nobody will be expecting these
argh can't believe i fell for this one https://twitter.com/Alex_Parker/status/1245387786074521601?s=20
totally got me https://twitter.com/SkaveRat/status/1245399906933768193?s=20
you'll have to get your roommate back somehow https://twitter.com/mathpunk/status/1245401420813254660?s=20
excellent execution of this classic prank, including judicious use of just one square https://twitter.com/ProfBeeman/status/1245404248210202631?s=20
can't wait to see the look on their face https://twitter.com/TheoNicole/status/1245406719083253765?s=20
well done https://twitter.com/torako_tiger/status/1245409166291873793?s=20
It's food/fridge obsessed partly b/c of the pranks I chose to seed it with (shown here). And also b/c it often thinks it's doing recipes or lifehacks, based on similarities to stuff it saw on the internet.

i have no explanation for the bunnies
on a rampage!!

so pleased someone tried the spaghetti one https://twitter.com/mikamckinnon/status/1245448098568007680?s=20
ai always will get the best of us https://twitter.com/AlixeTiir/status/1245494622354165760?s=20
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