Trump wasn't elected to solve problems. He was elected to spew poisonous, cultural rage and destroy the government, including every program and resource meant to help people live better, longer lives.

He's succeeded beyond any of his supporters' wildest dreams.
The machine that elected Trump, the machine that has been whirring for decades now, to dismantle the social safety net, to defund government programs intended to help Americans have better lives, that machine has reached its intended goal.

Maximum profit and maximum death.
The Republican Party and its army of billionaire libertarians won. They dismantled the government, infected the citizenry with zealous ignorance, and step-by-step destroyed liberal democracy.

The end result was always going to be mass death and a cruelly hypercapitalist dystopia
This government that is failing to address the pandemic? It's the DREAM of the Republican Party. It's impotence and manifest cruelty is exactly what they wanted.

Likewise, every working function of governance is dedicated to protecting and continuing profit.
Until now, Republicans were more than happy to shorten our lives and make us more miserable in smaller, quieter doses. Deregulation of pollutants, enabling corporations to poison us, give us cancer.

This pandemic is their legacy, the moment their philosophy became undeniable.
You should be angry. Trump and the Republicans and massive corporations sold us out. They mortgaged our futures, our very lives, for obscene profits and guaranteed power. They sentenced us to shorter, more miserable lives and they didn’t even hesitate. 
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