Updated NYC Covid-19 numbers. Note the cases with no underlying conditions
🚨 NYC numbers are cooked so that "if it died, and it tested positive for Covid-19, book it"
Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Professor Emeritus of Medical Microbiology at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz,
"…the mistake is being made worldwide to report virus-related deaths as....
(continued) soon as it is established that the virus was present at the time of death – regardless of other factors. This violates a basic principle of infectiology: only when it is certain that an agent has played a significant role in the disease or death...
(continued) may a diagnosis be made. The Association of the Scientific Medical Societies of Germany expressly writes in its guidelines: „In addition to the cause of death, a causal chain must be stated, with the corresponding underlying disease in third place on the death...
(continued) certificate. Occasionally, four-linked causal chains must also be stated.“ End of quote
More of letter sent to Merkel "...COVID-19 general suspicion? And: is it intended to continue this categorisation uncritically as in other countries? How, then, is a distinction to be made between genuine corona-related deaths and accidental virus presence at the time of death?"
Dr. John P.A. Ioannidis, Departments of Medicine, of Epidemiology and Population Health, of Biomedical Data Science, and of Statistics, Stanford University published a paper: Coronavirus disease 2019: the harms of exaggerated information and non-evidence-based measures
"It is important to differentiate promptly the true epidemic from an epidemic of false claims and potentially harmful actions"

heres that paper https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/eci.13222
🔥 Question:
1. Is the most important indicator for judging danger of covid-19 reported # of positive-tested persons/deaths
2. # of persons actually/unexpectedly developing/dying from pneumonia (excess mortality).

healthy pop = mild/moderate Covid-19 disease can be expected.
CDC arrived at forecast of +/-100k to 240k dying from Covid-19 by modeling it on NYC = "if its no longer moving, it died of coronavirus"
Going back to NYC chart: 3k to 9k people over 65 die monthly of influenza/pneumonia.
+/-50% in the US have hypertension https://www.cdc.gov/bloodpressure/facts.htm
French study found that "overstated the problem by Covid-19" because "not significantly different mortality of Covid-19 from ordinary coronaviruses (cold viruses), which were examined in a hospital in France."
Internationally recognized experts such as prez of World Medical Association Frank Montgomery , Yale professor David Katz are for curfews to be lifted quickly = counterproductive/ultimately kill more ppl than virus itself.
Risk groups should be protected https://nyti.ms/2JwwwHg 
According to Professor Walter Ricciardi, only 12% of the test-positive deceased in Italy considered the coronavirus as a causal factor, which corresponds to a few dozen people per day. The normal all-cause mortality in Italy is around 1800 people per day. https://bit.ly/2WZVdDS 
Experts have already explained situation in Italy has less to do w/corona virus than with local risk factors = extreme air pollution, mass panic, collapsed health system, curfew itself, median age of deceased is around 80 years, 99% had previous illnesses https://bloom.bg/2JsULWT 
In March head of the Infectious Diseases the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (BAG) said the situation in the Swiss canton of Ticino was “dramatic” due to Covid-19 . However, Ticino doctors immediately denied this . https://de.reuters.com/article/schweiz-coronavirus-tessin-idDEKBN2162GI
Germany' it feels like we've been here before. German state minister called on population to be vigilant/report violations of rules for containing the corona epidemic to the police“ = prohibited group formation, children in playgrounds, parties and hikers https://bit.ly/2JsHQUK 
It's not just Germany getting nostalgic, Britain is following suit UK police chief says that they are getting dozens and dozens of calls from people who say 'I think my neighbor is going out on a second run - I want you to come and arrest them' https://bbc.in/2USfGrE 
...But now he says that it is no longer as it was before, that it is in the order of 3 or 2.5, within the flu values...due to the estimates...closure measures adopted by the British government, hospitals will attend to infected people and +/-20,000 ppl will die from the virus"
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