the amount of women still asking me to wax them .. you may not care about MYYY business but i’m not risking my health and business to accommodate you cause you “need” your vagina waxed. If waxing the city/EWC is closed, that should give u good indication that waxing is on hold
if its really that deep, trim your hair! Like i tell my inconsistent clients, get you some eyebrow scissors and trim the hairs as low as possible. NO i did not say lightly shave or use Nair. I said trim! the moment u use Nair or shave you’re literally resetting your wax journey
When you shave or use Nair and go back for a wax, I guaranteeeeeee you you will be in more pain than you were for your first ever brazilian
oh and pleaseeeeeee the love of God do no try to do your own brazilian like please dont do it. if you are not an esthetician just do not wax yourself. it will be a incident u regret the moment you lay the wax down, just dont do itđź—Ł
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