Huh. Wonder why? Quick thread with some guesses.
Maybe @MSNBC knows?
Or @nytimes? Oliver Darcy perhaps?
Could it be all the praise the media heaped on China for their “assistance” that, spoiler, doesn’t work?
More praise - no connection, surely.
China “handled” the outbreak better than anyone, if the mainstream media is to be believed.

But don’t you dare ask them a question about it.
I’m sure it’s unrelated to members of the media saying America is terrible? Or blaming a Chinese virus on Americans?
Or for calling the president a liar with blood on his hands? Could that be it? Because everyone knows that fish bowl cleanse is a solution.
I wonder if it has anything to do with all the praise the media has given to China’s recovery? And, of course, they couldn’t let a good crisis go without reiterating that Orange Man Bad
Yep. Definitely not the media’s fault that a communist dictatorship happens to be reading from the same song sheet. No-sir-ee.
Also, to be clear. I don’t WANT to keep doing this. I want a fair mainstream press willing to show at least A SHRED of incredulity when a communist dictatorship pushes propaganda on the American people whose health & lives are at risk.

But until that happens I’ll keep shouting.
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