My students told me yesterday that some of their other profs are holding 3-HOUR LIVE ZOOM LECTURES during this crisis. Others apparently have not reduced workload in any way. I asked the students not to identify these colleagues because I wouldn’t be “collegial” about it.😡
Meanwhile, my students tell me they’re caring for younger siblings and older relatives, living in crowded family homes because they had to leave residence, have no quiet place to work, poor WiFi, and so on. I am LIVID.
One first-gen student wrote to apologize for falling behind, said their parents assumed it was like summer vacation and tasked my student with managing the household and younger siblings. Student is taking 5 courses. Several other students in similar situations.
Many faculty are struggling to teach full course loads with small kids running around. And yet I hear of senior faculty telling juniors that tenure expectations remain the same as ever—even though they were promoted to full professor with less than new faculty are hired with.
One pretenure colleague at another uni expressed concerns to a superior about their ability to be productive with kids out of school and the superior just said “I managed! You can do it!” These people. Honestly.
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