My child is alone in a hospital fighting for his life because someone thought early March was a good time to take a Florida vacay and upon return masked symptoms with cold/flu meds to avoid detection and went about their life.

You know who you are.

And I know who you are.
You're out of the woods, I hear. Recovered from your mild case. Home with your family, playing Monopoly and popping corn over the open fire.

My son's heart stopped twice last night. For a little under three minutes he was suspended between life and death.
My son who cancelled his trip abroad the moment he heard about Wuhan. My son who insisted his elderly grandparents stay at home as soon as he heard it was in Canada and thereafter did all their errands for them.

My son who may not make it.

But you got your vacation.
And, yes, I blame you. I blame your selfishness. I blame your Trump loving, Kenney admiring, fact denying, Rebel Media promoting ass. I've seen your FB. I know who you are, you despicable human being.

And one day, you will know who I am.
Thank you for all your well wishes.

My son is "stabilized". Next 24 hours will be critical. He's in good hands.

I'm a raging ball of anger and I want to hunt every RWNJ at @CPC_HQ down and beat them into a pulp and then stomp on their bloody heads.
Update. The good news is that the virus itself has peaked and those symptoms are receding. The bad news is that his heart has been damaged and he continues to be listed as "critical" but is considered stable in the short term.

I'm sorry my original post was so "Rambo Mama". 🙄
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