things kpop stans need to realize :

{a thread from ARMYS}
1. If yall don't want us to SHOVE bts's success down your throat then maybe leave us alone and stop talking about us? Also stop comparing bts's achievements to other groups that's just a self drag tbh
We will never stop bringing up album sales, and streaming cuz we are a hardworking fandom that actually focuses most of the time on supporting the boys instead of dragging other groups and why can't we brag about it ? The fck?
I am a multi and let tell you . The only reason armys drag your groups is because YALL start it :)
Armys run stan Twitter so like YALL SHOULD stay on your side ??
Again the only reason armys drag your faves is because yall start it by mentioning our faves😔
We won't stop fighting yall unless yall stop starting shit up . Most armys don't even know who your faves are so why tf would they start sht . And also what do u mean by taking it to the "next level"? By calling them flops??
We're not gonna let other people win cuz WE STAN BTS so who are supposed to support and help ? yes BTS
if yall wanna get awards ? WORK FOR IT 🙂
ik not all kpop stans are like this, but y'all ARE CRAZY like yall are making threads about us out of nowhere when all we did this week was cry over jungkook 😢
Inspired by this idiotic thread
Stream this for more brain cells
Anyways this thread is me talking from my perspective and what I EXPERIENCED on Twitter so if u don't like it block me hehe
And I'll be muting this cuz omg my phone is glitching
ONCE AGAIN , imma say it . If you have ACTUAL receipts of armys starting shit then DM ME AND I'LL DRAG EM and let it be actual receipts :)
I have a whole ass thread on my pinned of receipts so if yall wanna come at me at least give me receipts :)
You can follow @musicalbts.
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