The fact that ENIC tried to move Spurs to Stratford has been forgotten by most (myself included), pushed to the back of our minds because of the delivery of an amazing news stadium. But it's looking more and more like a precursor of what was to come. 1/-
The club has shown during this period that they either have a woeful grasp of corporate PR, or they just don't care. They reside in one of the most economically challenged areas in the country and choose to take taxpayers money rather than pay staff themselves. 2/-
There has been nothing from the players about donating money anywhere which should be coordinated by the club, and they STILL have said nothing about ensuring that people who earn their living from match-days will actually be paid. 3/-
On top of that, Levy/ENIC think it's appropriate for him to be the highest-paid chairman in the league (£4m) and get a £3m bonus for a stadium which was delivered late.
In that context, it doesn't matter a jot, but also appointing a manager as decisive as Jose Mourinho after the fans deep connection with Mauricio Pochettino showed a lack of understanding or care about the fans/users/customers/human beings. 4/-
My relationship with Spurs has fundamentally changed during this period. If it wasn't for family, I'd probably knock it on the head. 5/5.
Quite a few interactions and relies on this, both positive and negative but always good to hear people's views. The main point was always about the way they have treated workers. Predictably some have used this to push their anti-Levy agenda.
My position isn't anti-Levy. He's built an amazing stadium, training ground and pushed the team to heights I would only have dreamt of. But I'd be a hypocrite if I didn't think the way he's behaved in this crisis has been anything other than reprehensible.
The club has so much money, Joe Lewis is a tax exile billionaire. Just give a little back to those less fortunate and who help you earn that money by working for the club. And don't take from the public purse when you are so well-off.
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