The bulletproof wolf of Skinwalker ranch: In Navajo culture a skinwalker (yee naaldlooshii) is one who can transmogrify into another creature. In 1994, ranch owner Terry Sherman reported sighting a "huge" wolf, walking both upright or crookedly on all fours...cont:
Strangely the wolf approached them in broad daylight and allowed itself to be petted before then trying to pull a calf out of the corral. Sherman claims he shot it twice with a .357 magnum then a hunting rifle at point blank range...Cont.
To no effect, the wolf only trotted off after a few more shots, leaving behind some hairs but no blood. A bulletproof wolf or were the gun's sights as skewed as the mentality of one who believes in skin-walkers? đŸș
I think the wolf was ill/injured and desperate. A desperate or determined canine is capable of great shows of resilience. In WW1 messenger dog Satan was shot twice in the battle of Verdun, with pierced ribcage and broken leg Satan heroically still delivered that message. đŸș
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