I'm up late working & my 20 year old son came in and sat down. He couldn't sleep & wanted to talk. We talked about on line classes, how his friends are doing, how he has had only one "normal" semester in college, & laughed a bit. 1/
He gave me a hug & thanked me for listening. As he went back to bed, I thought about when he was little & sometimes just needed time with mom. How glad I am that I can still give him that. How much he had matured since he started college. 2/
That in the midst of so much uncertainty, we could have that moment of calm & a good laugh. The stress is high. So much anxiety and grief around. But tonight, I am grateful for the trust of my son. Time together and just being mom for a while. 3/
Try to pause in the middle of this crazy and just be. Just be with yourself or with those you care about. Be good to each other. We'll get through this together. 4/4
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