A thread of my favorite Michael Buhler UFO paintings.

The Washington State Elk Abduction, 1999
The Eagle River Incident (Space Pancakes), 1961
The Roswell Crash, 1947
The Falcon Lake Incident, 1967
The Betty and Barney Hill Abduction, 1961
The Alfred Burtoo "Abduction," 1983
The Belgian UFO Wave, 1990
The Lonnie Zamora Incident, 1964
The Gulf Breeze Sightings, 1987
The Kelly-Hopkinsville Incident, 1955
The Herbert Schirmer Abduction, 1967
The Kelly Cahill Abduction, 1997
A Cussac, France Incident, 1967
The Linda Napolitano Abduction, 1989
The Coyne Helicopter Incident, 1973
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