My shrink actually suggested that I share on the Internets how I’m coping with quarantine because it might help someone else, so, with the full acknowledgment that different things work for different people, here goes. 1/
1. Block keywords and limit exposure to news, especially direct reports from the White House, or Fox News, or conspiracy theories, even as entertainment/mockery fodder/knowing the enemy. 2/
2. Do not pay attention to things I cannot control. Knowing about, or worrying about, something does not give me control over it, and it’s just heavy stabby brain filler.
3. Seek and share scientific information and statistics to keep perspective and help others do so. 3/
4. Make others feel comfortable and safe (by careful social distancing, wearing masks, etc.) however possible.
5. Limit entertainment consumption to light fare. No big emotions, subject matter range that excludes possible triggers. /4
6. “Shop” in my own home. Pull out supplies and unfinished projects and make things.
7. Home spa treatments daily. Skincare. Singing bowls or other meditation music even if I don’t meditate. Gentle stretching. Long baths. 5/
8. Cat.
9. Chat and/or play games with friends. (I’m going to organize an online Cards Against Humanity in the next couple days.) I’m keeping subject matter light, not much Big Serious Business. 6/
10. Clean the space I spend the most time in because clutter causes stress, consciously or not.
11. Routine. Wake up at my normal time, change out of nightgown, eat breakfast. Now that I’m not sick, first half of day is for cleaning and the like, second half for TV. 7/
12. Embrace lack of productivity. Make things just for fun. Screw around with phone games.
13. Think one week ahead at a time, no more. Exceptions only for setting up things like unemployment and my info for the stimulus check. We don’t know+ 8/
+ how long this is going to last, what will change, basically it falls under “if I can’t control it, do not think about it”.
14. If anxiety is too high/I start obsessing over something I can’t control, *force* my attention to something else: TV, audiobook, a conversation. 9/
15. Make sure I have things I like to eat, so it’s easier to make myself eat when I have little appetite. Also make sure the things I like include produce (jarred, canned or frozen) and other immune boosters.
16. Let myself be happy/get excited about things. No guilt.

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