40. Are you okay with your significant other having a best friend of the opposite sex?
41. Have you ever been in love?
42. Do you get bored after sex?
43. Could you date someone your parents didn’t approve of?
44. If you’re brave @ the person who gave you the best sex
45. Biggest pet peeve?
46. Would you date someone who’s celibate?
47. Have you ever been ghosted?
48. Have you ever been caught cheating?
49. Would you be okay with your friend dating your ex?
50. What is the oldest you’d date?
51. Has a partner ever made you ‘crazy’?
52. If your partner had your phone for a day, would your relationship survive?
53. What’s your body count?
54. Do you think it’s possible to be in love with two persons at the same time?
55. Where is the first place you’re going when the quarantine is up?
56. Do you believe in second chances?
57. Do you have trust issues?
58. Do you fear being attached to someone?
59. Have you ever been in a fight?
60. Is there an ex you’d take back?
61. Biggest turn off?
62. Are you in love rn?
63. Are you submissive or dominant?
64. How many piercings do you have?
65. How many tattoos do you have?
66. Fav twitter person/account?
67. What song sums up your life rn?
68. What is your dream car?
69. Cats or dogs?
70. Weed or alcohol?
71. Grabba or ital?
72. White rum or brown rum?
73. When is the last time you cried?
74. What’s your dream job?
75. Parties or adventures?
76. Chicken soup or Mannish water?
77. @ the last person you hugged
78. What attracts you to someone?
79. Are you happy?
80. Do you hold grudges?
I’m done 🤧
You can follow @_jemira.
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