
Okay, I'm really angry now.

Let me explain EXACTLY what a stunning job @realDonaldTrump is doing.

And I say that as a person who's lost 50 percent of his net worth.

This is what happened:

A brand-new virus appeared.


Trump had no information other than what the CDC could figure out.
Every single American means of handling this new virus was obsolete.

Every process, every system, every supply distribution method.

Because of POLITICS, governors and mayors enabled the spreading of the infection.
Because of POLITICS, the American press may as well have become an arm of the Iranian mullahs.

The press created panic and LIED about every single aspect of the infection and Trump's responses.
Finally, Trump was caught in the worst double-blind of any president in American history.

Choose the American people or choose the economy.

Did he crack up?


He went to war, like the happy warrior he is.
You need to appreciate the unprecedented catastrophes that converged.

The nature of the virus, the lying of the Chinese, the sabotage of the Democrats and the press, the obsolescence of our means to handle this, and the INSTANT shutting off the economy.
Trump has had to improvise responses to ALL OF THOSE DISASTERS.

Second by second.

Now, I've had a horrible life, and that makes me grateful for even the tiniest not-horrible thing.

A pale-yellow butterfly circling my head.

When it happens, I'm good for the rest of the day.
Too many Americans are ungrateful sh*theels.

This notion that Trump should have simply let the virus run its course is the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

They point to SWEDEN--God help us all--as a model.

The Swedes have NO CHOICE but to let all the infected people die.

Before COVID-19, their health-care system was nonfunctional due to a massive shortage of doctors.

So the Swedes are CULLING.
Even if Trump were as coldhearted as the Swedish government, we'd STILL have to hospitalize up to 2.2 million people before they died.

Every flu season takes a massive toll on our resources.
Last year, there were about 500,000 hospitalizations for the flu.


Do you see how utterly moronic you're being?

Because COVID-19 is FAR MORE communicable than the flu, hospitals would be forced to KEEP PEOPLE OUT.

So you're demanding that we essentially DESTROY the American health-care system.

And then you LIE and say that the economy "has been killed."

The economy is in hibernation.


You need to get your head on straight about what's happening. Mortality rate in NOT THE WAY TO LOOK AT THIS.

You need to look at TREATMENT.
It's not possible to treat people infected with COVID-19 and carry on with all other medical treatments.


Why does the average American not have more than $400 in the bank at any one time?

Whose fault is THAT?

These are the jobs I've held in my 57 years.
Dock worker.


Loader of supply boats for oil rigs in the North Sea.

University archivist.
Teacher of conversational English.

Professional bass guitarist.

Editor of the world's first online newspaper.

Voice-over actor.

Proofreader of technical manuals.

Paycheck delivery driver.

Process server.

Document retrieval field agent.
And the last job:

Driver, handyman, and bodyguard of my elderly parents.

I bought my first cellphone THIS YEAR.

I always lived within my means.
I once knew a family. The husband changed tires, and the wife was a homemaker. They had three children on his salary of $20,000 a year.

And they rented.

He pissed off the landlord, so they were evicted and lived with me for six weeks.
All they ate was either fast food or brand-name groceries.

And they threw away about half of every meal.

The husband got demoted and became a BOX BOY at the age of fifty.

My parents bought them a house and bailed them out financially four times.
They took vacations with the bailout money. The kids all wore designer clothes.

And when they ran out of money, the wife would come over and cry to my parents, and they'd write another huge check.
Now there's nobody to bail them out.

I haven't spoken to or seen them since 2013. The worst experience I had with them was when my father drafted my brother and me to build an extension on his house.

The husband volunteered. He showed up with $5000 worth of tools.
My father was pathologically unable to explain how to do anything.

"Okay, build a sill plate, a jack stud, a head trimmer, and a common stud."

"I have no idea what you just said," I told him.

So he'd get all huffy.
A few days into this travesty, my father had a stroke, as we discovered years later.

He just sat there smiling. My brother was on another planet, safe from the insanity. The tool man stood there smoking.

"We do we do next?" I kept asking.

Silence from all three.
This was long before I knew anything about Trump, but I became him.

"You!" I said to my father. "Go to bed or go to the hospital."

He went to bed, still smiling.

"You!" I said to the tool man. "Go home."

He gathered up his tools and left.
"You!" I said to my brother. "Scram."

He scrammed.

My father slept for two weeks and made a full recovery.

He called me up to come work on the extension again.

"Not unless you make drawings," I said. "Draw everything you want built, and include the dimensions."
He sullenly obeyed, and he never let me forget that I'd GIVEN ORDERS TO MY OWN FATHER!

Well, it was either give him orders or take the nail gun and fire it into his head 237 times.
Here's the point:

I never got married and had kids.

I was never in a FINANCIAL position to do so.

Maybe COVID-19 will finally teach people that life isn't a movie. What we're experiencing is called a "black swan."

But Trump was.

No president has reacted faster or more effectively to a crisis of this magnitude.

So show a little respect.

You never know if I'm lurking in the shadows behind you.

With my nail gun.

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