According to information from the CDC, the medical costs for an obese adult is $1,429 higher than those of normal weight. For most people, that is a lot of extra money that could be used on other things such as bills, groceries, gas, etc. (1/4) #beh353 @beh353
More than 35% of adults are classified as obese and 17% of children ages 2-19 are considered obese. Adults often times have a more sedentary lifestyle due to work/school which can factor into less exercise/movement. (2/4) #beh353 @beh353
However, children have more opportunity (generally) to move around throughout the day in PE class, recess, playing outside with friends, sports, etc. This shows that diet is a key component to a child's overall weight/health. The 17% of (fairly) active children is alarming. (3/4)
Parents and even school systems decide what children will be eating on a daily basis. We need to do better for these children. Income should not be a factor that can jeopardize a child's long-term health. (4/4) @beh353 #beh353
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