My OWLs readathon TBR (Missing from picture: Peter Pan and maybe a dragon book?? Missed that prompt. Does Kings of the Wyld have dragons?)
Going for Librarian, Healer or stretch goal of Alchemist careers.
#OWLsReadathon2020 @MagicalReadthn #OwlsReadathon #MagicalReadathon2020
Starting with Heartstopper. It's for Ancient Runes. I've been wanting to read it since I bought it.
I'll then be starting The King of Crows which is for Care of Magical Creatures. #OWLsReadathon2020
Heartstopper is so sweet! 4 stars. Now I have the dilemma do wait until I can get copies of sequels in physical editions (in lockdown this could take awhile) or do I read the web comic?
Also have down a recap of the Diviners series so I'm ready to jump in. #OWLReadathon2020
Finished King of Crows. 4 stars. I did like it but it was really slow until the last 100 pages. It took awhile to finish but I suspected that which is why I picked it first.
Next up is All Systems Red for short read! #OWLsReadthon2020
God messed up the hashtag again maybe I need to give up on capitals lol #owlsreadathon2020
Finished All Systems Red, part of the Murderbot diaries. 5 stars. It was incredible! I couldn't put it down. Fills the Potions prompt. Also part of the #LifesLibrary book club. I might be catching up... Next up is The Summer Book (another Life's Library read). #owlsreadathon2020
Finished The Summer Book. 3 stars. Pretty boring. It fulfilled my Arithmancy prompt to read a book outside my fave genre. Also another #LifesLibrary book down.
Starting 2 books next. The Binding for Astronomy and Finding Audrey for muggle studies.
Dnfed Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella. I just can't do that kind of YA contemporary anymore. I just don't care. Swapping in The Perks of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. Hopefully that works out better... #owlsreadathon2020
Finished Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Obviously 5 stars. First time I've read it as an audio book. It was always my favourite as a kid. I think it's because it's the only book that's mainly about average school life with and exciting ending. #owlsreadathon2020
Genuinely thinking the mystery and reveal is masterful. I know some people don't like info dumps but I love that classic mystery trope where everything is put together.
Finished The Perks of Being A Wallflower. 5 stars. So good, truly lives up to the hype. It filled my muggle studies prompt (Harry Potter filled the transfiguration prompt). My next day read book is The Last Wish for History of Magic.
Finished The Binding. 4.5 stars. Really liked it, very emotive. It did take me awhile to read though. A little disappointed, I was hoping it would be a new favourite but it's still really great. That's my astronomy exam finished!
I'm starting the #StayHomeReadingRush in the middle of #OwlsReadathon2020 with a completely different TBR. Doesn't sound like the best idea I've had but oh well. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯
Just going add the reading rush books to this thread.
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