Anyone who says he now soberly accepts the realiity of the pandemic. No. He switched claims. From we're doing a fantastic job, the virus is like 15 people to we're doing a fantastic job, if we did nothing it would be millions dead.

Those calling him sober are the marks.
Just watch the word "sober" tonight. Online and on TV. It will be like an x-ray.
Don't give me sober.

Sober is: "I was pretty far gone."

Sober is: "I can't believe some of the stupid things I said."

Or: "Now I can see that. Then I could not."

Sober is, "I knew it was no good. I just didn't care."

"I'm sorry for the hurt I caused." That's sober.
Sober? Look for yourself. @Acosta gave him a chance to be sober: "Has your thinking on this evolved?" Three times Acosta tried. Same refusal to face. Same gaseous self. Same hole in the soul. Go to 2:08:24 in this clip and telll me how sober he has gotten.
More from today's soberbriefing. via @BrendanNyhan
I am putting a lid on this thread about today's soberfest because my disgust is getting the better of me. Parting reminder...

Those calling him sober are the marks. Pass it on.
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