Following the David Ndii and Kipkoril spat and this hit me with sympathy for the doc:It seems he ,Ndii,believed in the pre 2017 goal of ending tribalism and corruption in Kenya .After Baba bolted to handshake David was given a chance but he could not "sell out".It's said he .
turned down a govt role at treasury .After he and a few others ,including Orengo at one time ,have tried to reach re ignite & carry on road to Canan.But sad reality is:
Without Baba as a figure head organizing anything revolutionaly is a fail mission. So what option
does he David Ndii have ?Like most people who were shocked by handshake ,a likely win is only two options :either join BBI or join TangaTanga.And for a person like Ndii that must suck .Whachuthink?
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