I can’t sleep and I’m working from home tomorrow so aku nak buat thread pendek pasal filem DAULAT. No, I don’t get paid for tweeting this ‘coz I don’t do paid tweets.

But @imranbsheik still owes me a photo op with Vanidah Imran.

Anyway, ini ialah thread
I was one of the lucky few who was invited to a private screening of DAULAT few months ago. Watched it and I’m blown away.

Being a fan of Machiavelli, I see DAULAT as a Malaysian interpretation of Machiavelli’s philosophies outlined in his classic ‘The Prince’
DAULAT is a political thriller that focuses on good plot, engaging storytelling, masterclass in acting and Vanidah Imran.

In short, don’t expect a letup sana letup sini tendang tumbuk terajang action movie. It’s a carefully structured movie with story all Malaysians can relate
DAULAT intends to tell a story about political struggle, rivalry and game as it is. Maknanya ia bukan filem propaganda haluan kanan atau haluan kiri.

In fact tak ada satu pun watak dalam filem ni boleh digelar hero atau heroin konvensional
Yes, many Malaysians can relate to this DAULAT and yes, I think some might get triggered for its blatant honesty to portray politics ‘as it is’.

Bear in mind DAULAT is a FICTION political thriller. Tak ada kena mengena dengan yang hidup atau mati. Kalau adapun hanya kebetulan
I also believe DAULAT will be a gamechanger in Malaysian movie industry - a path already set by the likes of Bunohan, Sepet, Adiwiraku and One Two Jaga.

At least taklah balik balik cerita pasal Suamiku Mr Playboy, Hantu Dalam Botol Cilisos atau Penang Gangster
Don’t expect DAULAT to be a full blown big budget Hollywood style production starring Pacino or DeNiro. Just focus on the storyline, acting, direction, plot and Vanidah Imran (or @tonyeusoff if you like).

And I can assure you, it’ll be 90 minutes well spent
I wish to take this opportunity to thank director @imranbsheik and producer @AzVkot for giving me the opportunity to tag along (although post production) through the milestones of DAULAT.

I wish you all the best for the movie screening on iFlix come 6 April 2020. It’s FREE too
Last but not least kalau dah tengok DAULAT, try la sama Butter Chicken @monapublika. Waktu PKP ni order delivery. Lepas PKP boleh bawa family dine in.

The restaurant is also the hardwork of the same peeps behind the movie.

And they still owe me a photo op with Vanidah. Sekian
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